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Our teams worldwide are involved in specific projects that are aligned with our goal to make Jesus known. Anyone can become involved in these projects through praying, giving and serving. Which project interests you?
QUESTION: Would you help transform entire communities through empowering single mothers and widows to provide for...
There are many families in Uganda that do not have the means to send their children to school. Your gift will play a...
The Batwa pygmies are among the poorest and most disadvantaged peoples in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our team in DR Congo is...
These events provide on-site resourcing and care from our North American team to encourage them towards growth and...
The Church is growing in Thailand one family at a time, and our teams there are committed to equipping these families...
The Good News is being shared through various ministries and classes at the House of Hope and people are coming to...
TREK is an invitation to risk-taking obedience to Jesus, relinquishing our own rights, and learning to delight in him.