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Africa Mission Facilitator

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Multiply partners with networks of churches in Sub-Saharan Africa to see this region transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One key national partner is Safari Mutabeshi, now based in Lubumbashi, DRC. Safari began church planting in the Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi in 2007, resulting in a thriving MB conference focused on evangelism, community development and peace and reconciliation among opposing people groups. With our value of coming alongside nationals who are best suited to reach their own people, Multiply invites you to support Safari in training leaders and mobilizing churches in Malawi, DR Congo (DRC), Angola, Burundi, and Uganda to reach the lost in SubSaharan Africa.

Africa is being transformed by the Good News, through disciples making disciples. This work is best done in collaboration with Africans who understand their own cultural context and can invest in other leaders to create a multiplying movement. Coming alongside national leaders makes our mutual impact much greater. With this vision, Multiply is partnering with Safari towards the following 5-year goals:

> Lubumbashi, DRC, will become a base missional community, drawing at least five existing churches into a network focused upon missional ministries. As they become self-sustaining, at least three missional leaders will be trained and launched.
> Eastern Congo will establish at least five missional communities who are committed to furthering mission as they move towards self-sustainability.
> Churches in Angola will be engaged and encouraged in moving forward in mission, with a particular focus on promoting reconciliation among churches and church leaders.
> The MB conference of DR Congo will make concrete steps towards self-sustainability and vibrant mission, sending at least five missionaries to serve in other countries.
> The Malawi MB conference will plant another twenty missional communities, training and mobilizing at least five new missional leaders for service both within and outside of Malawi.
> Projects for self-sustainability will be developed in DR Congo, Malawi, Angola, and Uganda.
> Safari will work in partnership with Multiply’s Doug Hiebert, Regional Team Leader for Sub-Saharan Africa.

Monthly reporting will come from Safari through Doug, as together they serve to inspire and equip others for mission in Africa and beyond. Safari’s work will include regular visits for training and mentorship, as well as the facilitating of Multiply’s Missional Leadership Training modules in local churches. Funds donated to this project will support him in this role, as well as contribute towards a one-time cost for setting up of the ministry base in Lubumbashi ($1000 USD), initial rent ($500 USD) and the purchase of a vehicle ($6000 USD). Monthly expenditures will include travel expenses ($300/mo.), food/ accommodation ($300/mo.) and a ministry stipend ($500/mo.). Our national church partners and global workers in Sub-Saharan Africa are working tirelessly to create strategies that will multiply church planting among the least reached. Together, we can equip them for even more fruitful ministry. Thank you for your consideration of this proposal, and for your prayers.

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