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Our teams worldwide are involved in specific projects that are aligned with our goal to make Jesus known. Anyone can become involved in these projects through praying, giving and serving. Which project interests you?
Would you help make disciples, equip leaders, and bring hope to marginalized people groups in Northern Thailand?
Discipling young people and equipping them for this ongoing ministry is a strategic move for advancing the Kingdom of...
Multiply workers in Burundi are partnering with a network of existing churches to see Burundi transformed through...
In a place where many people live in poverty, it is difficult for growing churches to raise the funds to construct a...
TREK is an invitation to risk-taking obedience to Jesus, relinquishing our own rights, and learning to delight in him.
The vision for SOAR Central Valley 2024 is for the English & Spanish churches to come together in partnership as we...
North American university campuses are filled with students from around the world who have never heard about the love...
Pastors in Mexico are often under heavy pressure as they carry many responsibilities. They need to receive spiritual...
Motorcycles and scooters are a key means of transportation for evangelists who travel to remote locations to share...
QUESTION: Would you help transform entire communities through empowering single mothers and widows to provide for...
The Mennonite Brethren Church of Malawi (MBCM) was born in central Malawi under our key national partner Safari...